We are pleased to inform that the School intends to conduct 2 programs – one a summer school and the other a winter school. Both these academic programs shall be of two weeks each. The curriculum for this program shall mainly consist of – travelling and documenting.
Intent - Sensitizing oneself with the new environ around and documenting - the built and evolved spaces, arts and crafts of the locals, construction techniques adopted etc….
These programs shall be in June 1st week and December 1st week tentatively. The eligibility for this program shall be students of Interior Design and Architecture. The priority shall be given to the students of NSID and then the others. There are 15 seats and once the forms are filled, there shall be selected students joining and others may be given chance at winter school or later.
The proposed Winter School is Southern India.
Those willing to register may fill up the form. The expenses for the travel:
Registration: will be decided as per the location
Lodging and Boarding: As per actual(divided/shared amongst)
Travel Charges: as applicable.
The College/School shall provide with a certificate after completion of the said program.
Those willing to fill the form may inquire at the office.